Now Reading: Two Twos Podcast – “Booked by Rihanna, Double the Money and Dating as a +Size Woman ft @taliaadarling_”


Two Twos Podcast – “Booked by Rihanna, Double the Money and Dating as a +Size Woman ft @taliaadarling_”

Howzat? 5.2 / 6

Like all creditable podcast reviews, let’s start with an analogy about Italian cinema. 

Many millennia ago when I was a student, I was forced to study Italian cinema, and in particular, I had to cast my analytical eye on a film called L’Avventura (senza subtitles). 

The thing is, I don’t speak or understand Italian but – and thank you for bearing with me, this is the point – I understood why it was so acclaimed. It had an amazing vision behind it and I could appreciate the aesthetic artistry. 

The Two Twos Podcast has brilliant energy and it’s made with a similar understanding for the podcast landscape as L’Avventura is for the cinematic enthusiast. It speaks with heart and definition; it doesn’t come with any objectionable grandstanding; there’s no pretence that it’s actually a radio show; there’s a lot to admire here.   

So, what’s the craic?

Presenters Nana & Ro are two black gay londoners “speaking their truth in an attempt to bridge the gap between LGBT+ people and Cis-gendered straight people”, which sounds like Jim Davidson’s worst nightmare come true (and that can only be a good thing). 

For this episode, they’ve invited on mate and DJ / TV reality star Talia A Darling to chat about all things, and the show unfolds in a manner that you can imagine any discussion between friends would, flip-flopping between serious topics and top bants. 

There are some poignant moments scattered throughout, like Tania opening up about her vulnerability in love (cue a Cher song about self-esteem); men having much better opportunities for success in life and podcasting (so so true); and questions like, ‘are women complicit when it comes to the lack of opportunities in life and business?’

But what rises to the top is the genuinity of their friendship.

Yes, I wish their microphone technique was better; yes, I wish I couldn’t hear the incessant jangling of a bracelet; yes, it slightly irked me when they couldn’t remember the name of Sue Perkins. But that’s mainly superficial stuff.   

Great podcasts make you feel part of the pack and bravo, this has achieved that accolade. Personally, I bet this podcast in a live setting would be a huge success and one can only hope for their sake, it is. They’re here for each other and they’re here for you and if they tweaked a few things, Two Twos could be a world-beater.


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    Two Twos Podcast – “Booked by Rihanna, Double the Money and Dating as a +Size Woman ft @taliaadarling_”