Now Reading: The Quiet Journeys of Professor Atwood – “Final Preparations and Art Museum Propulsion Upgrade”


The Quiet Journeys of Professor Atwood – “Final Preparations and Art Museum Propulsion Upgrade”

svgAugust 12, 2024Podcast ReviewSleep Aid

Howzat? 5.6 / 6

‘What is this?’ was my first question. 

And, to a point, it remains a relevant question because ‘The Quiet Journeys of Professor Atwood’ is absolute nonsense. 

But it’s fantastic nonsense. 

According to Atwood*, the purpose of this show is to provide a space where one can chill the funk out and drift to sleep, without the anxiety of having to keep track of the “story” that Atwood lays out for us. 

In this episode, Atwood talks something about foiling a foe then drifts off to talk about umbrellas for a long period of time over a veneer of quaint piano and calming foley. 

I have to admit that I only got half way through listening to this because, due to a lack of sleep, it was sending me into a state of a scobberlotcher, so for the sake of my safety I had to stop listening immediately. 

But this is different, imaginative, unique and therefore, I recommend. 

Just don’t listen on a long, late-night car journey. You have be warned.


*I’m not committing to the title ‘Professor’ because, well, this whole thing is a bit trippy and who knows what’s really going on.

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    The Quiet Journeys of Professor Atwood – “Final Preparations and Art Museum Propulsion Upgrade”