
All posts tagged in Friday Slips

  • svg

    svgJuly 19, 2024Business

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    The weekend’s just around the corner and the ice cream man is making millions from insatiable kids who won’t stop pestering their parents for a taste of the sweet sweet frozen nectar. That means only one thing… it’s sliptime, baby… How I Built This – “KAYAK: Paul English (2021) Howzat? 4.9 / 6 How can

  • svg

    svgJuly 5, 2024Chat show

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    Hey! You! What’s eeeuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrppppp? Here it is, this week’s Friday Slips. Take them or leave them but please don’t ignore them… Comfort Eating with Grace Dent – “Allan Mustafa, actor and comedian” Howzat? 3.2 / 6 Grace Dent is a personality and, boy, don’t we know it. She presents as she walks: quaint, dainty, breathy

  • svg

    svgJune 21, 2024Podcast Review

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    On this, the longest day of the year, we celebrate the summer solstice, not by dressing down to our knackers and playing the flute on a Somerset hill, but by going through some of the latest offerings from podcast-land… The Pink House with Sam Smith – “In the Family Room with Gloria Estefan” Howzat? 5.4

  • svg

    svgJune 7, 2024Comedy

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    Fix up, look sharp. Here are some Friday review shots to set you up for the weekend… No Worries If Not – “Why Are Women Afraid of Looking Old?” Howzat? 2.5 / 6 This show is basically a personal essay delivered weekly from cartoonist and writer Lily O’Farrell who, in this episode, shares her opinions

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