Now Reading: The Rest Is Entertainment – “Can Tim Davie Save the BBC?”


The Rest Is Entertainment – “Can Tim Davie Save the BBC?”

Howzat? 3.4 / 6

Like a baby monkey cocooned in the bosom of its mother monkey, so Gary Linekar’s Goalhanger Films (podcasts? what?) clings to the life-giving deal that Spotify’s Megaphone feeds to it to boost the network’s output. Now, that may sound catty but it’s important. Why? Because it explains the success of their output versus the quality of their shows. So, with that put in context, here we have The Rest is Entertainment, a show tucked firmly in the bosom of Goalhanger, it hardly has air to breath. 

Not that it’s bad. Far from it, in fact. It has TV’s very own Richard Osman and The Guardian’s very own Marina Hyde at the helm, steering listeners towards insights and semi-interesting facts about the world of TV and media that you may not have heard before (for example, did you know that British people spend more time with the BBC than the other streaming channels combined?)

They discuss big ticket items and this episode is no exception – the future of the BBC (dum dum daaaaaaaa! Spoiler alert – no one really knows) and that’s great news for people who want to feel connected to that conversation. 

But it’s weird because it feels like you’re listening to two slightly drunk media executives discussing these pressing issues over a cocktail at Soho House while you sit there sober and bored next to them sipping on complimentary bottled water. I have nothing against them per se – power to them and their executive reputations – but should this be a top 10 hit? I’m not sure. Why? 

Because when you boil it down, this podcast focuses on Richard and Marina’s opinions. 

This isn’t a news show and, ironically, this isn’t an entertaining one either… so, if that’s the case, what are we left with?

In a world where podcasting is creating amazing productions, entertaining showcases, original storytelling, and an abundance of useful, factual programming, The Rest Is Entertainment is a ratings hit but a critic’s dud.  

Also, whoever is editing this show, edit it better please.


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    The Rest Is Entertainment – “Can Tim Davie Save the BBC?”