Now Reading: Quite A Good Sport – “Rowing”


Quite A Good Sport – “Rowing”

svgJuly 24, 2024ComedyPodcast ReviewSport

Howzat? 2.4 / 6

The QI podcast, ‘No Such Thing As A Fish’ (a title based on one of the more interesting facts on the TV show) is a true stalwart in podcast-land. And despite it being a very middle-class, middle-of-the-road show, it has performed consistently well – a little like the podcast version of Andy Murray: it’s comforting to know that it’s there, provides the odd stroke of brilliance but ultimately, it’s a perennial underachiever. 

Which is why, therefore, we had high hopes for this, Fish’ new show, ‘Quite A Good Sport’. Could they break out of their usual levels of mundanity and use all their learnings from years and years of podcasting to create something fun, unique, and moreish, just like their TV cousins?

Well, not really.

The premise is that the hosts – James Harkin and Anna Ptaszynski – “tackle” a sport per episode to try and get to the bottom of what makes it tick. Then, once they understand it, they take each other on in a kind-of gladiator-based challenge, presumably because they need some way to expend their sexual frustration / energy.

This episode sees our frisky two take on the world of rowing in which we discover the many delights of the world’s poshest sport, something which is promptly confirmed as they take us, the listeners, out to the Fulham Reach Boat Club to experience the realities of rowing on the Thames. 

Look, it’s OK. And if you like the posh QI-Elves vibe, you’ll probably like this. But really, the show is way too over thought and over-produced. I would honestly prefer it if both of them went through a list of amazing facts about rowing and be done with it, rather than going through this convoluted dance where we have to listen to them going on some kind of deeper journey to really discover what the sport’s all about. 

Cox jokes aside, dip your toe in if you like ‘No Such Thing As A Fish’ but if not, I wouldn’t bother with this one. 


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