Now Reading: Private Parts – “Masterbation May | Part 2”


Private Parts – “Masterbation May | Part 2”

Howzat? 0.4 / 6


So here we are then: the vanguard of podcasting, a medium which has swept boldly into the mainstream, opening the creative doors for the masses to show off their creative genius, democratising media for the greater good of mankind. 

But what’s this? Yet another comedy chat show with the spirit (pun intended) of a vapid donkey? FFS.  

Private Parts – formerly fronted by the world’s busiest podcaster © Jamie Laing – is now hosted by “comedian” and posh bloke Tom Lucy and reality TV person and professional posh girl Liv Bentley.

And it’s bad. Really, really bad. Actually, it’s worse than that, it’s dull. And if these two sat near me on a train within earshot, I would probably move because of the incestuous tedium. 

This zoo-format of a [shit]show is billed as an alternative to Help I Sexted My Boss et al and despite the raucous laughter from the production team in the background, it never lives up to its comedy billing. 

At one point, there’s an eruption of laughter when Bentley struggles to talk about ‘Masterbation May’ (wanking, pah!), which is more annoying than it is whimsical and the moment I stopped listening – a fair 15 minutes into the 20 minute episode – was when Bentley could-not-bloody-believe the legend that swingers use pampas grass outside their house to attract other like-minded people.  

I genuinely feel bad for Tom Lucy’s career and I feel bad for anyone who subscribes. This show is cut from the same self-indulgent crap that Made In Chelsea but lacks any hook whatsoever.

Unfortunately, Private Parts is a casualty of the success of podcasting itself: anyone can make a podcast but unfortunately, what this proves is that not everyone should.


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