
Latest Reviews

  • svg

    svgJune 11, 2024Sport

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    Copying Goalhanger’s playbook, Global have launched another in the ‘Agents’ podcast stable and this time they have pinched yet more presenter talent from the BBC in the form of sedentary stalwarts Mark Chapman and Gabby Logan.  We don’t subscribe but by the sounds of this trailer, The Sports Agents should be a safe, albeit slightly

  • svg

    svgJune 10, 2024Comedy

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    Howzat? 1.5 / 6 Oh bollocks, Wondery have done it again.  For some reason, the podcasting powerhouse – owned by Amazon, of course – absolutely loves mixing scripted documentary formats with ad hoc, banterific chat but come off it guys, it sounds so, so… confusing.  And that’s a little heartbreaking because on paper, this show

  • svg

    svgJune 7, 2024Comedy

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    Fix up, look sharp. Here are some Friday review shots to set you up for the weekend… No Worries If Not – “Why Are Women Afraid of Looking Old?” Howzat? 2.5 / 6 This show is basically a personal essay delivered weekly from cartoonist and writer Lily O’Farrell who, in this episode, shares her opinions

  • svg

    svgJune 6, 2024Comedy

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    Howzat? 0.4 / 6 TL:DR = TL:DL So here we are then: the vanguard of podcasting, a medium which has swept boldly into the mainstream, opening the creative doors for the masses to show off their creative genius, democratising media for the greater good of mankind.  But what’s this? Yet another comedy chat show with

  • svg

    svgJune 5, 2024Comedy

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    Howzat? 5.2 / 6 Like all creditable podcast reviews, let’s start with an analogy about Italian cinema.  Many millennia ago when I was a student, I was forced to study Italian cinema, and in particular, I had to cast my analytical eye on a film called L’Avventura (senza subtitles).  The thing is, I don’t speak

  • svgTrendingsvg

  • svg

    svgJune 4, 2024Trailer

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    If you like the mountains true crime content Wondery have previously released – and there’s so, so much of it – then you’ll like this offering, guessing by the tone of the trailer. Points that this show is guarantee to include: Nancy Brophy fills her novels with romantic betrayals and murder. It’s a far cry

  • svg

    svgJune 3, 2024Entertainment

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    Howzat? 4.8 / 6 No one likes talking to their parents about wanking, do they? On the surface, the premise of this show is a fascinating psychological insight into the complexities of a father-son relationship, placating any tensions life in the limelight brings. The reality is much more trite, of course – it’s merely yet

  • svg

    svgMay 31, 2024Comedy

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    We’ve bowled a beaut, these podcasts have nicked one and we’ve caught an absolute wonder in the slips… Great Company – “Shania Twain: Saving My Family at Thirteen” Howzat? 1.7 / 6 Let’s be honest, Jamie Laing presents the same podcast but across several different podcasts. He’s absolutely everywhere. Please, for the LOVE OF GOD,

  • svg

    svgMay 30, 2024Comedy

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    Howzat? 2.2 / 6 Production company Keep It Light has a formula: get a B/C/D-list celebrity to “keep it light” and watch the subscribers, and therefore the cyaaash money, come rolling in.  And after Natalie Cassidy’s strong guesting on Parenting Hell (perhaps their favourite guest, and frankly, who cares?), the KIL team pounced on the

  • svg

    svgMay 29, 2024Beauty

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    Howzat? 1.2 / 6 TL:DR – if you’re not into either Caroline Hirons or SJP, don’t waste your time.   Longer review: There has been much debate in podcasting land about ‘the charts’. Some people swear by them and a place in the overall top 10 is often hailed as the Mecca for audio producers,
