Now Reading: Life With Nat – “Ep11: Fashion Faux Pas”


Life With Nat – “Ep11: Fashion Faux Pas”

Howzat? 2.2 / 6

Production company Keep It Light has a formula: get a B/C/D-list celebrity to “keep it light” and watch the subscribers, and therefore the cyaaash money, come rolling in. 

And after Natalie Cassidy’s strong guesting on Parenting Hell (perhaps their favourite guest, and frankly, who cares?), the KIL team pounced on the opportunity to spin her persona out into yet another celebrity-chats-to-their-favourite-people-in-the-world podcast, guaranteeing those sweet sweet advertising dollars. 

And the verdict? Meh. 

You see, the problem here is that this show is wholly sold on Cassidy’s image as the ‘people person’, which is fine if you warm to her and her posse… but if you don’t, you’re left feeling as hollow as a baguette at a soup convention.  

And despite this episode being a Billy-bonus off the main feed, it’s still an hour long, laden with inane chats with her nieces without much structure apart from ‘let’s pick a general topic – in this case, fashion faux-pas – and talk complete bollocks for an hour’ (“a podcast, what you on about maaaate? You’re ‘aving a laugh ain’t ya?” etc etc).   

If this podcast was a colour, it would be beige; if this podcast was an ice cream flavour, it would be vanilla (with no flake); if this podcast was a car it would be a Renault Clio, it runs well but it’s also nothing to write home about… you get the general gist.  

I’ll be honest, I stopped listening after about 7 minutes even though I played it for its entirety, which sums up this review nicely. It’s mediocre company at best and inoffensive background noise at its worst.  

In the show’s description, it reads: “come and join the community”. Thank you, but no thank you. I just can’t be dealing with all that extra admin.  


PS, there’s loads of editing errors, I mean, come on guuuuuuuys!

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    Life With Nat – “Ep11: Fashion Faux Pas”