Now Reading: How To Write A Book – IDEA (Part 1)


How To Write A Book – IDEA (Part 1)

svgJuly 22, 2024BusinessPodclassPublishing

Howzat? 3.9 / 6

Those who have been listening to podcasts since time began (2011, approx) will know the staying power and traits of Mme. Elizabeth Day and her ‘How To Fail’ podcast.

Now with a mega deal with Sony Entertainment under her belt, Day is (finally) extending her media chops and launching somewhat of a network with the synonymous ‘How To Write A Book’, a title which should prove genius in luring in her existing audience.

Day doesn’t call it a podcast but calls it – and this is genius / cringy – a ‘podclass’. Aparently it’s a resource; a community; a blimming deity-in-audio-form; a “community”; whatever way you’d like to look at it, for those who are seeking some guidance in fulfilling their dream of becoming a writer.

Episode 1 – “IDEA (Part 1)” is the first of a limited 12-part series and starts with Day herself gushing about her new venture. “Hey, I’m Elizabeth Day and I’m the executive producer”, she says under music which sounds like something from a TV shopping channel advert. ‘OK, ‘Liz, show us the way… ‘

The captains of the ship are seasoned pros in the form of author Sara Collins, publisher Sharmaine Lovegrove and book agent Nelle Andrew.

They sound lovely ‘n’ all – and I do agree that they are best placed to talk about succeeding in publishing – however (and it’s a BIG HOWEVER) they are not presenters. In the first minute, they’re talking all over each other. Urgh, come on! As a collective of communication experts (Day et al) there is already a frustrating need for a producer to step into the fray and take control. 

To Day’s point, this is more of a toolkit than a ‘gal pal’ accompaniment and therefore the chirpiness is less important, to this reviewer at least. I would like cold hard facts please – how do I write a bloody book?! 

Luckily for me, several nuggets eventually fly my way: where inspiration for ideas should come from (stand in a cornfield, apparently); creating characters by “living” with them; ideas agents find interesting; and how to pitch ideas successfully (i.e. take the hint, boring Jim).  

Like most guides, there is no silver bullet here. This podcast is mostly common sense but it’s nice to hear from people who have made a good living from the book trade and share their secrets, nevertheless. So, if you harbour ambitions of being a writer, you should probably bookmark this one.


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