Now Reading: Friday Slips


Friday Slips

The weekend’s just around the corner and the ice cream man is making millions from insatiable kids who won’t stop pestering their parents for a taste of the sweet sweet frozen nectar. That means only one thing… it’s sliptime, baby…

How I Built This – “KAYAK: Paul English (2021)

Howzat? 4.9 / 6

How can you go wrong with Guy Raz and HIBT? Short answer: you can’t. Slightly longer answer: this is invaluable business insight from a founder who sold his company for billions. Podcasts are great, right?


Life After Prison – “The Spark: Jen Joseph”

Howzat? 3.2 / 6

There’s something uncomfortable about “worthy” podcasts and this sits just on the right side of that awkwardness. It’s nice, inspiring and, yes, worthy… but lacks the killer entertainment factor.


Dish – “Danny Dyer and Ryan Sampson”

Howzat? 4.8 / 6

Branded podcasts can often be terrible. However, welcome into the fold Dish, which just gets the fact that people want entertainment rather than a solipsistic advert. Also, Danny Dyer is crackin’ value. One downside- background laughter. Just stop with that shit.


A Life More Wild – “Writer and broadcaster Emma Gannon on the regeneration value of nothing”

Howzat? 3.1 / 6

Chris, the presenter from Canopy & Stars (the brand that owns this show) has the deepest voice in the world. That aside, is a lovely, ethereal, calming listen, which is nice ‘n’ all but there’s a time and place for it. Great, boundary-pushing podcast production pushes this score a little higher.


Fail Better with David Duchovny – “Jeremiah Fraites Isn’t Just the Tambourine Guy”

Howzat? 2.2 / 6

David Duchovny is a very serious man and boy, don’t we know it when listening to this show. In this episode he chats to Lumineers lead singer Jeremiah Fraites and it lacks some much needed levity. 


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