Now Reading: Friday Slips


Friday Slips

Hey! You! What’s eeeuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrppppp? Here it is, this week’s Friday Slips. Take them or leave them but please don’t ignore them…

Comfort Eating with Grace Dent – “Allan Mustafa, actor and comedian”

Howzat? 3.2 / 6

Grace Dent is a personality and, boy, don’t we know it. She presents as she walks: quaint, dainty, breathy and irreverent. It’s pleasant to a point. This episode epitomises the British class system as Dent tries to negotiate her way around the topics of graffiti, food, comedy and “youth culture”. Mustafa is very much the ying to her yang. 


The Chunkz & Filly Show – “Neyo”

Howzat? 4.5 / 6

These guys have the Internet nailed. Chunkz and Filly may sound like a restaurant chain in the deep south of the US but they’re producing something outstanding here with high-profile guests. Neyo talks candidly and that’s credit to the hosts. Shout out to the sound quality too. 


Harry and Paul are… Devious – “The Millenium Dome Heist”

Howzat? 0.1 / 6

Reality stars (from “The Traitors”) have squeezed out a concept for a podcast to elongate their dwindling fame. This is terrible, unfortunately. Presenters, they’re not. 


Off Air with Jane and Fi – “A bit of ninja turtle is he? (with Griffin Dunne)”

Howzat? 3.8 / 6

It could be argued that Jane Garvey and Fi Glover are on the precipice of ‘national treasure’ status. It also could have been a tragic decision to leave the bosom of the BBC but luckily The Times have respected the pair’s editorial muscles with this offering. It’s a rambling chat around the recent UK election but all the better for it. 


Watts Occuring – “Mark Cavendish makes history”

Howzat? 5.0 / 6

The word “access” is key here. The show itself pitches itself as more of a club than a podcast, which is quite brilliant. This episode focuses on Mark Cavendish’ record-breaking win at this year’s Tour de France, with great insight from Geraint Thomas. If you enjoy cycling, and all that goes with the circus, then this is for you.


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