Now Reading: Friday Slip Catches


Friday Slip Catches

Fix up, look sharp. Here are some Friday review shots to set you up for the weekend…

No Worries If Not – “Why Are Women Afraid of Looking Old?”

Howzat? 2.5 / 6

This show is basically a personal essay delivered weekly from cartoonist and writer Lily O’Farrell who, in this episode, shares her opinions on society’s apparent phobia on the ageing process. It’s… OK. And if you’re into her work, this might be a nice voice-note-style accompagnement for her drawings. 


Style & City Diaries – “Creative Vulnerability”

Howzat? 3.2 / 6

Fashion! Lifestyle! Fab-u-lous! Yaaaaaaaas! Peeps and production. Do I need to say more?


Where Are You Going? – “Potholes, Tarmac and 20,000 Steps”

Howzat? 5.4 / 6

Thank God for original, creative production in the podcast space. The antithesis of a comedy chat show, Catherine Carr simply stops people on the street to ask randoms the simple question, ‘where are you going?’ This episode concentrates on the streets of Newcastle, ha’way the lads!


Lucy & Sam’s Perfect Brains – “Cemetery Mission”

Howzat? 3.1 / 6

Do you ever wonder what happened to that kid in the corner of the class at school who used to draw pictures of dead pigeons on their desk? Well their names were Lucy Beaumont and Sam Campbell and this is their podcast where they describe their perfect cemetery. Classic surreal comedy ramblings.   


Terribly Famous – “Cheryl’s Emotional Rollercoaster | I Get Knocked Down”

Howzat? 1.4 / 6

Do you like the Daily Mail’s ‘sidebar of shame’? Then you may like this show. It’s a weird juxtaposition of chat bants and Wondery-esque reading-a-story-from-a-script about Cheryl née Cheryl Cole née Cheryl Tweedy. Nice idea – you can see why it made it past the Amazon executive table – but it doesn’t quite work: either dramatise a story, or don’t. 


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