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Friday Slip Catches

We’ve bowled a beaut, these podcasts have nicked one and we’ve caught an absolute wonder in the slips…

Great Company – “Shania Twain: Saving My Family at Thirteen”

Howzat? 1.7 / 6

Let’s be honest, Jamie Laing presents the same podcast but across several different podcasts. He’s absolutely everywhere. Please, for the LOVE OF GOD, stop making these star guest chat shows that focus more on the host than the actual guest, as in this instance, Shania Twain. It don’t impress me much, etc etc… 


The Rest Is Entertainment – “TV Property P**n & Scarlett Johansson vs AI”

Howzat? 4.8 / 6

We reviewed this show earlier and, hey, we’ve warmed to it. Forget the privileged presentation from two media ponces and the fact that Richard Osman says “listen” in a way only a mother scolds her kids, this episode does at least offer some great insights to how TV works during elections and some actual work has gone into it. 


Miss Me? – “Listen Bitch! Much Poo About Nothing”

Howzat? 1.9 / 6

Do you yearn for the outrageous days of T4 and Britpop in the 1990s? Then you will love this absolute bants of a show from BBC Sounds. If, like the 99.9% of the world’s population you don’t, and you’re after something of substance that will enhance your life that isn’t aimed at 10 year olds that love the 90s, then I would steer clear.  


Harry Hill’s ‘Are We There Yet?’ – “Danny Wallace – A Letter Writing Menace”

Howzat? 5.2 / 6

The format revolves around the idea that it gets families from A-to-B, presumably for car journeys specifically. Harry Hill is an acquired taste for the mainstream and thankfully this is very Harry Hill. It’s actually quite brilliant and uses less-often uses of sound effects within the context of an entertainment chat show. Danny Wallace goes with the joke, which adds to the frivolity. A triumph, hurrah!  


Sweat Daily with Kayla Itsines – “Your Beginners Meditation with Shona Vertue”

Howzat? 4.5 / 6

There’s something refreshing about a different type of podcast, which is exactly what this is. The refreshness comes from its length. Apart from the annoying, way-too-long ad tagged at the beginning of the show, this episode is a meditative shot in the arm presented with a welcomed calmness that warms the cockles. Lovely and fuzzy stuff. 


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