Now Reading: FFS! My Dad Is Martin Kemp – “Marriage”


FFS! My Dad Is Martin Kemp – “Marriage”

Howzat? 4.8 / 6

No one likes talking to their parents about wanking, do they?

On the surface, the premise of this show is a fascinating psychological insight into the complexities of a father-son relationship, placating any tensions life in the limelight brings. The reality is much more trite, of course – it’s merely yet another clever framework for two well-known men to have a conversation.

In this podcast we hear UK-famous TV presenter Roman Kemp ask his dad – world-famous, ex-popstar Martin Kemp – questions about being a grown up, the idea being that if his dad kicks the bucket, he’ll have some gold leafed advice to fall back on. 

All well and good but there’s an irony here: it’s difficult to take Martin’s advice seriously because very few people have his life-experiences, and yet you wouldn’t listen in the first place if their names weren’t on the packaging.

Also, cringe?

Roman is very much the host here but a host with a lot to lose. Listening to this episode, it quickly becomes apparent that as well as being an entertainment package, this is a genuine conversation touching on questions (Roman) and authentic experiences (Martin). Their relationship is at stake. 

From the off, Martin shows a surprising level of reverence to his son’s questions and gives some sage advice. To the question, ‘what’s the secret to a good marriage?’ Martin answers candidly that he initially didn’t see the point of getting married, however he’s learnt that friendship is the key (‘without friendship, love doesn’t grow’). 

However, rarely does Roman return parity in the reverence stakes and he challenges his father at every point – not in an annoying way, but in a way only a son can really do because he knows that he can get away with it. 

The episode continues along a deeply personal vein, from the idea of his parents sleeping in separate beds, to the painful, ‘how many times do you and mum have sex per week?’ Yeowwww.

I’m torn because on one hand, this does everything a great podcast should do, namely, it draws you in and makes you feel like you’re in the room. However, on the other hand, I’m screaming at them both to shut up and save this for a private conversation, perhaps overlooking a shimmering lake at sunset. 

Ultimately, then, this is surprisingly good. They both come off well and the production is stripped down and professional. But it could be half the length, called some more appropriate like, ‘Life Lessons’, and mum, Shirlie Holliman, should definitely feature somewhere along the line, telling them both to STFU and, besides, tea’s ready.


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