Now Reading: The Body Coach: Extraordinary People – “From addict to ultra runner”


The Body Coach: Extraordinary People – “From addict to ultra runner”

svgAugust 13, 2024CelebrityHealthPodcast ReviewRunning

Howzat? 3.2 / 6

Being critical of Joe Wicks aka “The Body Coach” is like slagging off a puppy: it feels wrong. Especially if the puppy is opening up about his dad’s addiction and terrible childhood. 

But, fortunately for us, there’s not much balls-out criticism to be had here. Joe Wicks – the lad who got us through lockdown™ – knows what he is and where he stands in this world. He’s here to inspire; to lift us up in our darkest hour; to show that even a boy from saaaaarfff of the river can come good. 

And ‘The Body Coach: Extraordinary People’ is all that, and more. It’s a departure from his ‘let’s kick COVID’s arse with excercise’ schtick. This is deeper. This goes into uncomfortable territory, and in this episode in particular, things get much more personal.  

Brendon – his best friend from childhood – opens up about his own upbringing and it’s harrowing. And despite knowing Brendon all of his life, Wicks hasn’t heard much of this stuff before: a dad who was an addict and a terrible father and died in tragic circumstances; Brandon’s own battles with addiction; and his own suicidal thoughts. It’s a lot. 

At one stage, just as Brendon opened up about the time he thought about taking his own life, Wicks realised that he was part of the story, having plied him with drinks the night before. It’s brutal in its honesty and their deep friendship pushes this episode above the level.

Joe Wicks is no Joe Rogan. He can’t read a script for love nor money. And to be honest, the “body coach” could do with talking a bit less. 

However, what will save this show is his genuine desire to connect with the person telling their story and presenting that in a way only he knows how: through a lens of hope and endless possibilities. 


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    The Body Coach: Extraordinary People – “From addict to ultra runner”